About Us
” Disha Rangaalay ” – a composite of three words : “disha” = direction; “rang” = colour; “aalay” = abode.
Colour breathes life into a picture. Sometimes it fires up our emotions.
At other times it caresses them in soothing whispers.
Even monochromes can taste like a beating heart, when simmered on the balance of the right shades and hues.
If you speak the language of images, you want to charm your audience with your visuals, grab their attention
and hold them put under a spell ; you need to use the perfect colours !
The magic is in being precise. It’s like choosing the tone of our words ; literally and pictorially !
That’s why we are here.
We’ll help you weave magic in your visual art with the language of colour.
Let’s breathe life into your visuals together and spell-bind your audience.
We believe “Grade Matters”
Contact Us
Address :- B-1, Paalavi Appartments, Dr. Ketkar road , Near Kamala Nehru Park, off Prabhat road, Pune – 411004.